If your organization is establishing new locations or acquiring other healthcare providers in your community, chances are you’ve got a lot on your marketing to-do list.
Marketing a growing healthcare organization can be challenging, from making sure your websites are up-to-date with your latest locations, providers, and service lines to ensuring your branding is consistent across your organization’s entire online presence.
However, your job could be even more challenging if your organization is growing rapidly but still relies on a traditional content management system (CMS). CMS platforms are often limited in their ability to publish and maintain content across channels — a functionality that is absolutely essential for growing healthcare organizations.
If that’s the case for your team, a digital experience platform (DXP) is the answer.
What is a DXP?
A DXP is a platform that, while similar to a CMS, goes above and beyond with a suite of integrated tools to manage and optimize the entire patient journey and provide a level of sophistication that traditional CMS platforms simply cannot.
Unlike basic CMS platforms, DXPs are built to deliver personalized content, adapt to user needs, and integrate with other essential systems such as customer relationship management (CRM) tools and telehealth platforms. For healthcare organizations, this means the ability to create seamless and tailored experiences for diverse patient populations.
So what makes a DXP the right choice for a rapidly growing healthcare organization?
Quick and user-friendly editing
One of the standout features of DXPs is their intuitive editing interfaces. These platforms enable marketing teams to make updates swiftly without needing extensive technical expertise or waiting on an IT team or external agency to make changes.
For healthcare organizations, this agility is invaluable when managing time-sensitive campaigns, such as seasonal flu shot reminders or updates about new locations or service lines.
Geographic targeting
Geographic targeting allows healthcare organizations to tailor their messaging to specific locations.
If your organization is building new locations or entering a new community, geographic targeting can help you promote location-specific events or services and start building relationships with the people in that community.
Flexible content architecture
DXPs use modular content design, enabling healthcare organizations to create assets that can be repurposed across various platforms and campaigns.
This flexibility reduces duplication of effort and accelerates the deployment of marketing initiatives, freeing up resources for other strategic goals that are part of your organization’s growth strategy.
Advanced analytics
DXPs provide robust analytics tools that offer deep insights into user behavior and campaign performance. Healthcare marketers can leverage real-time data to refine strategies, optimize content, and ensure their efforts align with organizational growth or acquisition goals.
Scalability and integration
As your healthcare organization grows, so will your digital needs. DXPs are built to scale seamlessly, accommodating new users, additional content, and expanded functionality.
DXPs can also integrate easily with other essential systems, such as electronic health records (EHRs), telehealth platforms, and CRM solutions, creating a unified digital ecosystem.
Choosing the best DXP for your growing organization
When evaluating a DXP for your organization, consider:
- Its ease of use for non-technical team members
- Integration capabilities with your existing technology stack
- Its ability to evolve with your organization
- How it enables you to address unique healthcare marketing challenges
Optimizely One for Healthcare, combined with Geonetric’s 25 years of healthcare-specific marketing experience, is the perfect tool for growing healthcare organizations, enabling your teamto oversee the entire healthcare lifecycle, no matter how many locations you have or how specialized your digital team is.
With personalization options, an integrated CMS, digital asset management, a content marketing platform, geographic and audience-based targeting, and more, Optimizely One for Healthcare can help your team do more and seamlessly launch content as your organization grows.
Interested in learning more about introducing a DXP like Optimizely One to your organization? Check out this blog post that dives into more of the benefits you can enjoy from a robust DXP.
If you’re ready to bring the power of a DXP to your growing organization, contact our team today to learn more.