
Provider Directories: Promoting Physicians On The Web

If you’re like most healthcare organizations, provider profiles top the list of most visited content on your website. In fact, provider search and profiles frequently make up 15-25% of pageviews for hospital and health system sites. This high visibility among both potential patients and internal stakeholders makes your online provider directory one of the most challenging and critical parts of your web strategy.

However, the challenge extends far beyond your own website. Health consumers are increasingly finding information about your providers on third-party sites – business directories, social media, provider review sites – and right within their search results pages on Google, Bing or Yahoo!

Are these potential patients finding the accurate and complete information they need to make decisions? Attend this webinar and learn how to make your provider directory a go to resource for consumers. We’ll also cover why ignoring physician ratings and providers’ online reputations isn’t an option in today’s connected world.

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