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25th Anniversary Client Spotlight: Bryan Health

A revamped website and industry insights helps keep this Nebraska health system on the cutting edge.

In honor of Geonetric’s 25th anniversary, we’re sharing the stories and successes of just a few of our healthcare clients across the United States. Some have been with us for decades, others just a few years; some are major health systems, others just one standalone hospital. But one common thread ties them all together: Geonetric has helped them take their digital marketing programs to new heights. 

Bryan Health is a non-profit health system based in Lincoln, NE. The system was formed in 1997 following the merger of two hospitals in Lincoln, and today has grown to include more than 70 locations, a state-wide physician network, six acute care hospitals, and more than 6,000 employees. The system is also home to the Bryan College of Health Sciences, which offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in nursing, biomedical studies, and healthcare studies, along with college credit healthcare courses for high school students. 

Bryan first began its partnership with Geonetric in 2014, after an antiquated content management system began limiting the team’s ability to update its website and accurately tell its brand story to visitors.  

A vital upgrade

We introduced our VitalSite® content management system as a solution to help enhance Bryan’s online presence and help turn website visitors into loyal patients with features like an easy-to-navigate provider directory and key service lines pages. Geonetric also stood out from other agencies Bryan interviewed for our dedication to customer success long after their initial website launch. 

“Their ongoing support was unique compared against others, and we knew even after we received a beautiful new portfolio of websites, our work together would continue with a dedicated client success manager,” explained Jenny Sundberg, Director of Marketing and Strategic Planning at Bryan.  

Bryan’s new website launched in 2015. In the decade since, Geonetric has provided regular website enhancements, such as custom location profiles, a microsite for the system’s recently opened comprehensive community cancer center, and a microsite for the Bryan Heart cardiovascular practice that would go on to win a Gold Award for Best Landing Page or Microsite in the 2023 eHealthcare Leadership Awards.  

From January 2024 to March 2024 alone, the Bryan Health website brought in more than 19,000 conversions, more than 160,000 views of its provider profile pages (a 17.8% increase compared to 2023), more than 210,000 views of its location pages (a 6.8% increase compared to 2023), and more than five million Google search impressions. 

Adapting for the future

In 2024, Bryan and Geonetric began the initial steps to redesign the system’s website again in order to match its strategic business objectives, current consumer expectations, and changes in the way patients access health information online. 

“With our current website redesign project, we’ve engaged members from across our health system to inform how we develop our next website to meet growing needs, based on their engagement with their patients and families,” said Sundberg. “With more than 80,000 monthly unique visitors to our website, the site will have great visibility, and we’re excited for the impact it will have on how users engage with Bryan.” 

Sundberg also appreciates Geonetric’s commitment to staying on the forefront of pressing healthcare and digital marketing topics, “which has proven to be beneficial as we’ve navigated data privacy and new and emerging rules and regulations in the healthcare space.” 

When asked to sum up Bryan’s decade-long relationship with Geonetric in one word, Sundberg said “partnership.” And to healthcare organizations looking for a digital marketing partner to help reach their own marketing goals, she simply responded “Do it. It’s one of the best investments we’ve made.” 

“We knew when we selected Geonetric that they would be a great partner, we just didn’t know our relationship would expand now a decade,” said Sundberg. “We’ve developed a strong working relationship with their team, appreciate how they keep us informed of the latest news and insights in the digital healthcare space and have grown alongside us.” 

Ready to experience the Geonetric difference?   

If your healthcare organization is looking for a digital marketing partner to supercharge your website and marketing efforts, Geonetric is here to help. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can deliver results for the next decade and beyond! 

25th Anniversary Client Spotlight: Bryan Health