Staying Competitive: Web Features That Engage Users & Deliver Results

Afraid your healthcare website is falling behind? Learn the five key features that leading healthcare organizations are launching next.

Watch this webinar, and learn how to:

  • Create a road map of features to implement that will set your site up for success
  • Prioritize which features are a good fit for your digital strategy
  • Build momentum for your web efforts
  • And more…

Make Your Website More Accessible

As a healthcare marketer, it’s important to ensure you’re providing the best user experience possible to all your site visitors. Here’s just some of the reasons you should pay attention to your site’s accessibility practices.

Accessibility is Equality

Millions of Americans are faced with permanent, temporary, or circumstantial disabilities that affect how they surf the web and your chances of acquiring one of these disabilities goes up with age. People are resilient and adaptable, and thanks to technology that can assist these individuals, using computers is still possible in their everyday lives.

Accessibility is the Law

However, what you do as web designers, developers, and content admins can interfere with how well these technologies work. Most websites do not lawfully comply with all the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, for people who depend on assistive technology to access websites for business, education, entertainment, and to stay in touch with the rest of the world.

Accessibility is Everyone’s Responsibility

Every role in your organization plays an important part in assuring your website remains compliant. It is a practice, not a feature, that needs to be considered at every stage of every project from planning to ongoing maintenance.

View Our On-demand Webinar

Watch our on-demand webinar Make Your Website More Accessible to All Visitors on June 28, 2016 for a demo of how assistive technology helps people overcome obstacles on the web. Develop empathy with your site visitors by participating in interactive simulations of what it feels like to have a variety of disabilities. Learn what you can do to empower everyone to use your website effortlessly and avoid a costly lawsuit.

Items needed for the simulation activities:

  1. Accessibility Worksheet: A11y Academics
  2. A crayon or small pencil
  3. A hand-held mirror
  4. A few extra sheets of blank 8.5 x 11” paper

Provider Directories: Promoting Physicians On The Web

If you’re like most healthcare organizations, provider profiles top the list of most visited content on your website. In fact, provider search and profiles frequently make up 15-25% of pageviews for hospital and health system sites. This high visibility among both potential patients and internal stakeholders makes your online provider directory one of the most challenging and critical parts of your web strategy.

However, the challenge extends far beyond your own website. Health consumers are increasingly finding information about your providers on third-party sites – business directories, social media, provider review sites – and right within their search results pages on Google, Bing or Yahoo!

Are these potential patients finding the accurate and complete information they need to make decisions? Attend this webinar and learn how to make your provider directory a go to resource for consumers. We’ll also cover why ignoring physician ratings and providers’ online reputations isn’t an option in today’s connected world.

Choosing the Right CMS in an Evolving Marketing Ecosystem

If you’re considering a new content management system for your hospital website, watch this video and learn how to:

  • Separate the promise from the hype in next-generation marketing stacks
  • Understand what’s changing and what’s not in the digital marketing ecosystem
  • Identify critical pieces you may be missing in your digital marketing toolbox
  • Know when you should partner for expertise, and when you should cultivate in house
  • Choose a future-proof CMS in a rapidly evolving ecosystem of digital marketing tools

The State of SEO in 2016 … So Far.

This webinar provides an insightful discussion about the current state of SEO as we know it. From the relationship between structured data markup and rich snippets, to the ever-increasing importance of video, to tips on how to survive a redesign or domain change, you’ll learn where it’s most beneficial for you to focus your efforts and how to make the most of your SEO tactics.

Redesign Smarter: Make Your Next Hospital Website Your Best

There are many reasons for considering a website redesign. Chief among them: your health system probably has changed significantly since your last launch, and your web presence needs to keep up. Although every organization might have a different motivation for initiating a redesign, every hospital knows the importance of having a design and navigation that works for today’s mobile users and web copy that is benefit–driven and focused on conversion.

Learn how Owensboro Health worked with Geonetric to take its site design in a new, bold direction. Features include unique navigation, card-inspired design elements, and a large-format homepage video that steals the show. During the redesign, Owensboro Health also took a critical look at the site’s content and search engine optimization efforts.

Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2016

Attend this webinar to learn what digital marketing trends are making a big impact this year, so that you’ll be prepared to respond. We’ll highlight changes we’re seeing in how hospitals and health systems are positioning their organizations online. We’ll address trends in the areas of content, design and social media. And we’ll show you different ways to tell your story online.

Creating Landing Pages That Convert

There are a number of key elements to building and optimizing landing pages that convert visitors into patients. All elements – including content, design, calls to action, and forms – can affect your conversion rates. Put them together well and you can generate more qualified conversions than your average web page.

In this webinar, we’ll share the secrets to building effective landing pages. You’ll learn how to maximize conversion rates and will leave armed with simple tips ready to put into practice.

Website Strategy & Content for Medical Groups

As healthcare organizations develop or expand joint ventures with medical groups and independent physicians, representing that collaboration on the web requires thoughtful strategy. It’s a challenge, but when you’re successful, the result is a web presence that connects with your visitors and provides a deep understanding of the breadth and value of your services.

Through this in-depth case-study presentation, you’ll learn the secrets behind our multifaceted strategic process that led to a cohesive and intuitive web presence for this medical group.

Email Marketing: The Opportunity You Can’t Afford to Miss!

Email is the most popular channel in terms of daily use and consumer preference for both marketing and personal communication. And, according to Salesforce, 73% of marketers agree that email marketing is core to their business. That’s because emails are easy to produce and distribute, and more cost effective than traditional marketing. Plus, emails allow you to target specific audiences and link visitors to relevant information on your website, driving engagement and achieving a higher return on investment.

Watch this video to learn how you can use email marketing for everything from educating patients on health topics to driving service line volume. We’ll also show real examples and offer tips for improvement.