Rethinking Your Medical Group Website White Paper

Evaluate Your Web Strategy

From a strategic perspective, take stock of your core business, the audience you’re trying to reach, your competitive environment, and your differentiators. Armed with this 360-degree view of what your site needs to accomplish, you’re ready to think through some of the ways your site can support patients.

Understand the Patient Journey

Learn how to create a clear picture of the end-to-end patient journey for your most important services. At the end of the day, your website must focus on the healthcare consumer journeys that drive your business.

Plan for Change

When you know it’s time for a change, you still have many options. Should you refresh, redesign, or re-platform? It’s important to understand what each of these efforts can accomplish and what would work best for your medical group. You’ll also get tips for getting buy-in from other stakeholders.


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State of Healthcare Intranets

Internal communications took center stage this year. Connecting with your care team became a top priority – one that likely won’t go away any time soon. For many organizations, this gave them a chance to evaluate and improve their intranets and other digital employee communication tools. As you review your platform and plan for enhancements, download the State of Healthcare Intranets white paper and learn:

  • Common challenges in healthcare intranets
  • Trends in modern intranets, including storytelling hubs and personalized content
  • Data on redesign and re-platforming cycles
  • What’s the most popular functionality on intranets across hospitals and health systems


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Selecting a Healthcare Intranet Platform: A Guide for Marketing & I.T.

For information technology (I.T.) teams, data storage, security, and hosting may be of higher importance than the authoring experience, content management, and document control that teams like marketing and internal communications prioritize. Download this white paper and learn:

  • The needs of the two major players who should be involved in the buying decision for a new intranet platform.
  • The different needs those stakeholders may have and how to ensure their buy-in.
  • The questions to ask to find the best healthcare intranet solution to move your organization’s digital workspace forward.
  • And more.


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6 Steps to Choose the Right Healthcare Intranet Partner

That’s easier said than done – especially if it’s been a few years since your team evaluated your current intranet or vetted potential partners.

Download this white paper and learn how to prepare internally before you embark on your next redesign. You’ll learn more about how to:

  • Identify intranet stakeholders and gather useful feedback
  • Define goals based on top user tasks
  • Assess your current platform, design, and information architecture
  • Determine requirements for the new intranet
  • Find a partner for the long-term


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2020 Healthcare Digital Marketing Trends Survey

Created in partnership with eHealthcare Strategy & Trends, this research helps healthcare marketers:

  • Benchmark your organization against almost 200 of your peers
  • Get the data you need to make decisions
  • See how digital leaders in healthcare invest differently in everything from staff to tactics


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Preparing for the Post-pandemic Rebound

Whether you’ve had a heavy COVID-19 case load or not, the financial impact of this pandemic on health systems has been dramatic. Re-engaging health consumers is critical to the financial survival of many organizations, and care deferral is beginning to have serious consequences for the health of many Americans.

As you plan to open service lines, this white paper will help you:

  • Create a process that embraces uncertainty
  • Manage expectations for consumers, employees, and providers
  • Move your marketing focus from crisis communication to declining threat and transition to service line marketing
  • Utilze messaging pillars to promote what you care able to safely deliver today
  • Chart a course for content marketing, content strategy, and digital marketing based the phase your orgnaiation is in


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2019 Healthcare Digital Marketing Trends Survey: Academic Medical Center Edition

Geonetric’s annual collaboration with eHealthcare Strategy & Trends delivers the most comprehensive look at the digital evolution of healthcare organizations available. Now, we’ve done a deep dive into the data provided from AMCs so you can better understand your unique opportunities and challenges.

Use this planning tool to learn how AMCs are:

  • Approaching staffing – now and for the future
  • Investing in digital as a part of the marketing budget
  • Attacking challenges unique to complex organizations like AMCs
  • Planning for redesigns
  • Tackling business listing management
  • And more

    COVID-19 Editorial Style Guide

    You’ll find guidance on:

    • Voice, tone and readability
    • Language that counters stigma
    • Official disease and virus names
    • Trending terms that may be confusing or tricky

    Need help updating already published content? Review our quick tips for content governance during a crisis, or reach out to Geonetric’s expert healthcare writers for assistance.


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    COVID-19 Healthcare Consumer Survey

    The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially changed daily life. To help healthcare marketers across the country better understand how this new reality intersects with people’s healthcare experiences, Geonetric conducted an online survey of 600 internet users across the U.S. The surveys were completed April 3, 2020.

    Learn how COVID-19 has affected consumers’ decision-making around healthcare as well as how they are responding to different types of communication from health systems. See data on how COVID-19 has:

    • Impacted consumers’ decisions and plans around seeking care for non-COVID-19 concerns
    • Changed content topics consumers want to learn about
    • Affected content format preferences by age segment
    • Impacted consumers’ trust in their local hospitals and health systems across different demographics


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    Marketing Automation Buyer’s Checklist

    But are you ready for marketing automation? This checklist will help you evaluate your own business processes so you can choose the right platform for your needs.

    Download this checklist today and learn:

    • Key considerations – such as your business goals and resources – to think about as you look at marketing automation
    • Important aspects to consider as you evaluate platforms, such as IT resources and integration with your technology stack
    • Why marketing automation is an ideal tool to help align marketing, business development, and ongoing patient engagement


    Download our Checklist