Discover CMS Platform That Boosts Your Outreach Team’s ROI

Let Philanthropy Thrive Around the Clock

Your community never sleeps, nor should your website. When you choose a robust digital platform like VitalSite, you can continue to raise funds, reach donors, and generate generosity while you focus your efforts elsewhere.

Savvy teams support their foundation’s initiatives with the right CMS because they can:

  • Build a user-friendly gift shop with eCommerce integration
  • Funnel donations 24/7 using secure, online forms
  • Use sophisticated taxonomy to display patient and donor stories in relevant areas throughout the website
  • Promote fundraising events that encourage the community to get involved

Lead the way with eCommerce

In most nonprofit hospitals, you’re likely to find a gift shop. That’s because these high-volume operations bring in significant annual gross sales. Especially since this thriving retail business is run by volunteers, reducing the overhead cost of operations. Not only do on-site gift shops attract patients and visitors, but employees also bring a steady flow of business, especially if you offer payroll deduction. Hospital employees value having a convenient place to shop or even to grab a snack while on break.

Get your gift shop online so that you can market your merchandise beyond the hospital foot traffic and invest the revenue back into your organization. Many industry leaders like Holzer Health System, turn to Geonetric to build an online gift shop to broaden their reach.

The Holzer Medical Center – Gallipolis location, a community-oriented hospital in Ohio with 266 beds, boosts sales by offering convenient, same-day delivery to on-site patients and staff.

Holzer's Online Gift Shop
With a vivid velocity in online retail, trends show that shoppers aren’t slowing down their spending. Tap into the market share by offering your products online.

Manage your inventory and sales with strategic categories such as:

  • Branded apparel for employees and volunteers
  • Floral arrangements like a seasonal bouquet in different sizes to fit every budget
  • Gift baskets for every occasion
  • Items without a shelf life such as stuffed animals, stationery, balloons and blankets
  • Home medical equipment without insurance coverage like brand name breastfeeding supplies, bathtub seats, and incontinence pads
  • Seasonal items to keep shoppers coming back for more

Protect donors with secure, online forms

We understand that community contributions are vital to support your health system’s overall growth and development. Our digital experts can help your foundation team optimize its online efforts to make essential projects, programs and services possible.

Make it easy for your web users to donate online with a secure online form build in Formulate. This form builder was developed explicitly for healthcare websites and follows the AAA standards for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and can be used stand-alone or as part of VitalSite.

Forms that connect with your users help drive donations and engagement. Ozarks Healthcare’s form captures the crucial information needed for online donations and nothing more. This approach keeps users focused on the task at hand.

Your online donation form should offer a variety of giving options like:

  • Ability to give a gift anonymously
  • Dedicating a donation in honor of or memory of someone
  • Designation for donation
  • Estate giving

By understanding donor trends and the needs of your organizations, a platform like Formulate will help you access more donors online throughout your community.

Evoke emotion and build brand awareness with taxonomy

Keep your site visitors engaged with strategic taxonomy that uses cross-promotion throughout the site to show related foundation news, events and patient and donor stories.

Ridgeview has three Minnesota hospitals that serve the southwest metro region of the Twin Cities. Ridgeview’s award-winning medical website is built on VitalSite to allow for a high-quality digital experience that’s consumer-focused and user-friendly for all audiences across the Ridgeview system.

“We know that getting support from donors is more important now than ever before. That’s why we’re thankful to better engage our users with an improved design, navigation, and functionality,” Kelly Mulleady, Director, Ridgeview Foundation.

That’s why Ridgeview expands the reach of its foundation’s content with intuitive navigation and custom design, then keeps potential donors’ interest with content that evokes emotion.

Ridgeview News Article

Highlight what sets your foundation apart from others with:

  • Foundation news hub
  • E-Newsletter
  • Patient stories and videos
  • Donor stories and videos

Embrace events now and post-pandemic

Bringing your community of donors together during events helps strengthen relationships and support. Events help you raise awareness about your cause, provide donor recognition, build your donor base and pave the way for future events.

Major health systems’ foundations know the need for funds never stops. That’s why they choose VitalSite’s calendar module as the tool to organize and promote upcoming events. This calendar tool helps healthcare share their cause with their community and beyond to work towards one specific fundraising goal.

PIH Health in Whittier, California, takes advantage of VitalSite’s calendar module ability for users to search for a specific category that pique’s their interest. By integrating fundraising events into your calendar search your homepage’s prominent upcoming event scroll works as free advertising to your target audiences. Not only does PIH Health increase the reach of their events with calendar module, they capture emotion with slideshows and videos of past events.

PIH Health Events Page

You can continue to grow funds for programs, patients and your organization with in-person and virtual events such as:

  • Cash raffles
  • Golf tournaments
  • Health awareness
  • Seasonal celebrations
  • Silent auctions

Encourage people to participate in events by letting them know they can help by:

  • Becoming a sponsor
  • Attending the event
  • Giving monetary or in-kind donations
  • Becoming a volunteer

Build momentum

Get results like the leading organizations above with the right content management system (CMS), VitalSite. You’ll benefit from healthcare-specific functionality like event registration, eCommerce, content marketing and online donations that make it easy to reach the donors in your community. Contact us today – or request a VitalSite demo. The team at Geonetric is ready to help you with your digital needs.

How to Build an Engaging, Effective Healthcare Intranet

Watch the video above and learn why intranet performance is more important than ever. You’ll see how Avera Health reinvented digital employee communications for their 20,000 employees spread across 37 hospitals. Avera marketing team members Jamey Zerr and Stacy Neubeck will share how they used stakeholder input to guide content strategy and design, ensuring the new intranet delivered access to critical information and engaging content.

4 Examples of Foundation Web Content that Drive Donations

Demolish silos

Too often, content blueprints create silos on healthcare websites since they follow how an organization is structured internally rather than how a community views the healthcare system – as one entity.

When you break down silos, you tear down the walls that were limiting how you define your target audiences into separate categories like donors and patients. In reality, patients and donors are often the same people, just with a different task in mind.

Montage Health in Monterey, California, strengthens the health of their community with an easy-to-find Support Montage Health section on their website. This page talks directly to people living in their community and invites them to make an impact through a monetary gift, the gift of time, or blood donation.

Montage Health puts the user first by taking a user-focused approach to their site organization. This translates into foundation content living in numerous places, such as on the About Us page as a panel. This proven best practice elevates the system brand and increases site engagement.

Montage Health's About Us Page

Take a page from Montage Health and help members of your community easily navigate your website by cross-linking philanthropic content in sections like:

  • About Us
  • Auxiliary
  • Content hub such as donor stories and patient stories
  • Ways to Give including Foundation and Volunteering

When you implement a successful cross-linking strategy, you help quickly find the information that interests them any time they visit your website.

Write simple content to boost SEO

Quality content will help users find your website and keep them on it. When you simplify your content for search engine optimization, you’ll improve the user experience and increase your rankings

ProHealth Care, a community-based healthcare system with locations throughout southeastern Wisconsin, knows that simple content is still informative. The ProHealth Care Foundation content strategically answers common user questions in their area to optimize for search. More than just a page on the site, this section encourages visitors to sign up for a newsletter, donate, host a fundraiser, volunteer, or attend an event.

ProHealth Care Foundation

Follow ProHealth Care’s lead, and share answers to the questions people in your community likely want to know:

  • What’s the mission of your hospital foundation?
  • What’s the impact of my gift?
  • What ways can I make a gift?
  • Is my donation tax-deductible?

ProHealth Care celebrates their community’s generosity by highlighting the mission of their foundation, the impact of gifts and ways to give.

Be straightforward with your needs

Invite your community to explore ways they can make a difference in the healthcare they receive by listing your physical, monetary, and volunteer needs.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought many communities together. People began looking locally to offer their support. Continue your community’s momentum of giving like Ridgeview Foundation, in Minnesota, serving the southwest metro region of the Twin Cities.

Ridgeview Foundation lists causes to support, including:

  • COVID-19 Emergency Fund – Explains the need for supplies, equipment, and training to continue caring for patients, families, and staff while showing appreciation to donors who have made a donation
  • Support a Health Care Hero – Invites former patients to recognize a Health Care Hero that went above and beyond by contributing funds to purchase materials that ensure the safety of the staff and patients
  • Ongoing and future support – Lists initiatives throughout Ridgeview that help patients throughout their community receive high-quality medical care because of donor’s generosity
  • Pay It Forward – Helps breast cancer patients cover the cost of living so they can focus on taking an active role in their health
  • Events – Promotes upcoming events that support a good cause

Ridgeview's Foundation Page

When you’re direct and clear about how your healthcare system depends on monetary gifts to support your community, you’ll reach the hearts of people with different abilities to give.

Make it easy to give with prominent CTAs

Once your community knows how they can give, it’s vital to drive online conversions with prominent calls to action (CTAs) like Holzer Health System in southeastern Ohio.

Holzer Health System’s design follows a minimalistic approach to highlight the essential elements on a page. This approach uses space strategically to help users navigate their site more easily, like finding the CTA.

Keeping users focused on the task of donating at hand, Holzer’s CTA panels uses a custom, brand-driven design that incites emotion to take action and strengthens brand identity.

Holzer Health System's CTA

Drive donations and site engagement with a CTA that’s:

  • Clear and concise
  • Prominently displayed
  • Relevant to the page and audience

Once you establish a CTA track your results to measure the effectiveness of your page. Make adjustments as needed to improve your site’s performance.

Make a lasting impact

Having a content management system (CMS) that makes it easy to cross-link and build user-friendly forms helps. All the above sites are built on Geonetric’s VitalSite CMS, with our popular Formulate form builder. Sign up for a demo and see how VitalSite helps hospitals with fundraising in addition to patient acquisition.

And, of course, your content makes all the difference. If you are looking to grow the philanthropy in your community, get an expert’s advice — contact us today! Our content specialists are excited to help you get additional support for your healthcare system.

Path to Personalization

Yet, many healthcare systems have not fully embraced the strategy. That’s because going from vision to reality can be challenging. But with the majority of audiences feeling like a number in the ever-crowding digital space, being able to provide personal, engaging interactions can be a real differentiator.

Download this eBook and get insights into how take a personalization approach and apply it to your website.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Establish your personalization objectives
  • Define audience segments
  • Map the customer journey
  • Create workflows
  • Tie personalization to core business strategies


Download our White Paper

How to Sell Your Digital Projects to Your Healthcare C-suite

How to successfully sell your website or CMS project

The best defense is a strong offense. It’s an overused phrase, perhaps, but it’s often quoted because it’s typically true about most things in life – including sports and tough sells at the office.

The number one thing you can do to ensure success in selling your project internally is to be prepared.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “Well, that’s a given!” But the reality is, preparation doesn’t always happen effectively. It’s really easy to get excited about a project and expect that others will share your enthusiasm.

Passion alone – while very helpful! – isn’t likely to garner approval. You’re going to have to roll up your sleeves and get others on board through good old-fashioned planning and hard work.

Here are some tips based on my 20 years of experience managing digital projects at hospitals and health systems.

Tip #1: Anticipate objections and questions

Start by identifying the primary questions and objections you’re likely to encounter, then weave answers and counter-points to those questions and objections thoughtfully into your pitch so you can address them proactively.

For example:

  • If cost is going to be a primary objection (and when isn’t it?!), be prepared to discuss how your new CMS or redesign will help save the organization money in the long-term. The initial investment is likely to be significant, so off-setting any sticker shock with a longer-term view is helpful.
    • If the new CMS will allow for integration with your CRM system or to more easily calculate ROI so you can prove return, be sure to share that and speak to how. Your organization also likely invested a lot in the CRM system, so showing how you can get more and better value out of an already purchased platform can help too.
    • Show that you considered less expensive options or other vendors – if you did – for all or parts of your project (writing, design, hosting, support, etc.). In other words, show that you did your due diligence. If you didn’t select the least expensive option or didn’t go out to RFP, be prepared to discuss why and explain the value the more expensive option offers over the alternatives. If you already have a relationship with the vendor you want to work with, point to their reliability, partnership, and strengths that will continue to benefit your organization.
  • If resource constraints are a concern, talk about what your internal team will be tasked with doing, what your vendor will do, and how much time you anticipate needing from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), I.T., and others. Get as specific as you can and clearly articulate what role you’ll need them to play in the project and, if you can, quantify the amount of time, as well. If your vendor will be doing a lot of the heavy lifting, talk about how, by being an extension to your team, that will free you up to work on other projects – particularly ones that are important to your executives but that you just haven’t had time for. If your vendor will be doing work your I.T. team might normally do – thus creating capacity for other I.T. priorities – make sure to share that, too.

Proactively anticipating key stakeholders’ questions and potential objections will result in your project having a far greater chance of approval and funding.

Tip #2: Show a direct tie to organizational strategy

Executives and high-level leaders have a duty to ensure an organization meets its goals and objectives, and showing them exactly how your project will help meet one or more of them is a must. (Bonus points if you can show how your project will also make their lives easier or help them look good!)

Clearly articulating how a new website or a new CMS supports your health system’s goals and objectives not only proves to decision makers that you’re a strategic thinker, but that you understand the big picture.

For example, if one of your organization’s goals is to increase primary care patient acquisition, highlight how a new CMS or redesign will help to drive new business into your doctors’ offices, or how a new CMS will allow you to better integrate a third-party scheduling platform. If reducing ED usage and getting patients with non-life threatening issues to the right care setting is an organizational objective, show how a redesign will allow you to better leverage content marketing efforts, launch or better position UC or ED wait times, or more effectively support marketing campaigns.

You may even want to consider not labeling or referring to your project as a “marketing” or “digital marketing” initiative, but as an organizational initiative that will bring everyone closer to achieving system-wide goals.

Tip #3: “Show me the money” … and the data

Your project is no doubt competing with countless others for funding and support. And many of those other projects are just as needed and beneficial as yours. Put yourself in the best position by leveraging data to your advantage.

Collecting and sharing the following data can help you more effectively make your case:

  • Industry/Peer Data – There are several sources of benchmarking data for healthcare marketing and digital marketing teams and budgets. Things such as department size, average time-to-redesign, total budget, budget spend breakdown, vendor outsourcing, CMS usage, and much more is available through SHSMD’s By the Numbers as well as our 2020 Healthcare Digital Marketing Trends Survey results.
  • ROI/ROMI – If you’re already tracking and are able to show digital ROI or ROMI, be sure to share that data and explain how you expect your project to help improve upon the results or further track or quantify them. If you’re not currently measuring ROI/ROMI, will your project position you to do so?
  • Cost of Doing Nothing – This is often an overlooked point, but there can be a very high cost – not just in actual dollars, but in brand awareness or long-term competitiveness – to your organization of either doing nothing or waiting. This could be in the form of not improving your physician directory and therefore not maximizing the opportunity for revenue from new patient appointments, or not redesigning your site for accessibility or responsiveness that may lead patients to choose your competition over you. If you can quantify the cost of doing nothing in any way or show if and how you’re behind the market or your competition, do so. Sometimes highlighting the cost of doing nothing speaks louder than the actual project cost alone and can help push it toward approval.

To help you get started, here are a few key statistics from our 2020 Healthcare Digital Marketing Trends Survey:

  • In years past we’ve seen redesign cycle times range around three to five years. Respondents in 2020 indicate that 20% of organizations recently completed a redesign, suggesting that health systems are redesigning closer to every five years.
  • The average overall digital marketing budget across all respondents is $700,000 with leaders reporting a budget of over $1,200,000 — which is more than twice the average and nearly three times what laggards spend.
  • Overall, the majority of organizations dedicate 25-30% of their overall marketing budget to digital.
  • Email and marketing automation and video production have the highest planned net increase in staffing.

Be prepared

By anticipating questions and objections, tying your project to organizational goals, and sharing applicable data you can help increase your chances of gaining internal approval for your next big digital initiative. You’ll do a lot of hard work up-front, but the pay-off in the end will be well worth it.

At Geonetric, we’re all about helping our healthcare clients develop and execute on their digital strategies. We also help our clients sell the value of them to internal stakeholders. If you’re looking for a new CMS, pursuing a website redesign project, or need exceptional digital marketing support contact us today!

Healthcare Website Security: 7 Best Practices to Follow

According to IBM, data breaches in healthcare were the most expensive of any industry at $9.23 million on average. And HIPAA Journal reports 2020 saw more healthcare data breaches than in any other year since reporting started. Breaches are happening more often and cost millions — not to mention that the average time to identify and contain a breach is 287 days. Non-compliance is simply not an option. So, how do you ensure your website is prepared?

Seven best practices to follow

Decreasing risks while protecting your patients’ data and your hospital brand must be a top priority. Evaluate your site on these seven areas to ensure your security and hosting environments are meeting required standards.

  1. Protect user data.
  2. Healthcare organizations must follow HIPAA guidelines, meaning you must comply with requirements to protect the privacy and security of health information. Your website should use secure sockets layer (SSL) technology to securely encrypt necessary page, form, transactional data, and protected health information (PHI) from the web browser to the server. PHI should be encrypted in transit and at rest. That means when it’s being transmitted between systems, such as data sent when a user submits a form, as well as when that data is stored for future use, often in a database. Online forms that accept user data should be managed using specific protocols to comply with HIPAA. Protecting the submitted data in forms is critical. Compliant content management systems (CMS) like VitalSite through form builders like Formulate capture and store specific information when your users view a form submission and creates an audit trail. It logs the user ID, date and time stamp, IP address, and location and state of the data at the time it was accessed.

    If you accept online bill payment or online donations, you must also be payment card industry (PCI) compliant and ensure debit and credit card information remains secure throughout the transaction process. Once submitted, payment data should be transmitted immediately to the payment processor and never stored.

  3. Protect administrative accounts.
  4. As part of staying in compliance with HIPAA, and to prevent unauthorized changes on your website, administrative accounts in the CMS must be monitored and protected. With VitalSite, passwords are encrypted and stored using SQL Server encryption. All of this ensures that it’s difficult for an attacker to access and use someone’s password. In addition, other safeguards, such as requiring strong passwords and periodic passwords changes, as well as locking inactive accounts, are also considered industry best practices for account protection.

  5. Stay up to date.
  6. One of the primary ways hospital websites fall out of compliance is by falling behind with CMS upgrades, updates, and security patches to the software administrators don’t see, including web servers, databases, programming languages and framework. Falling behind on updates and upgrades are common ways organizations that run on a platform like WordPress find themselves vulnerable with multiple plug-ins requiring their own updates and patches. Ensure you’re on the latest version of your CMS and look to partner with an agency that provides upgrades as part of the licensing, as Geonetric does with VitalSite.

  7. Review your network architecture.
  8. Whether you manage web hosting yourself or use an agency or third party, ensuring there are tools and processes in place to minimize the risk of a breach is essential. Especially today, where cyber-attacks are all too common. Areas to look for include redundant web application firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and systems to protect from common web attacks like distributed denial of service (D/DoS) and SQL injection.

  9. Ensure 24/7 uptime monitoring and support.
  10. Your web partner should know before you do that your site is down and respond around the clock with a team who can fix the problem regardless of whether it’s a server, network, software, or content issue.

  11. Protect from downtime with scalability.
  12. Reliable networks are more important than ever, which means having scalability in your network is essential – especially when you consider you never know when a surge in traffic will arise. Case in point: healthcare websites saw huge traffic surges as critical COVID-19 communications, testing, and vaccine announcements were released. These traffic spikes need to be considered before they happen. Without auto-scaling in place, availability can be disrupted from unexpected traffic surges or a failure in one part of the system, bringing down the entire site. With proper auto-scaling cloud infrastructure, your site will remain available without missing a beat.

  13. Require backups.
  14. If the worst happens, how much would you lose and how quickly can you be up and running again? These are the questions you should ask. At Geonetric, we perform a full backup of your entire site and database each day. Every 15 minutes we perform transaction log backups and save these for two days. In addition, daily backups are saved for a week; weekly backups are saved for four weeks; and monthly backups are saved for a year. We also perform database consistency checks nightly. It’s also important to ensure there is proper redundancy for quick recovery purposes.

Take security seriously

For many healthcare organizations, especially community hospitals and medical clinics, it’s hard for marketing and I.T. departments to get the privacy and security resources they need to comply with healthcare’s stringent regulations, making it harder for you to prevent and detect security incidents. And cyber-criminals know this – a 2018 report by The American Journal of Managed Care®, found that 37%of small and 36 percent of medium-sized hospitals had suffered at least one data breach from 2009 to 2016. While many executives at smaller organizations feel they are less likely to be targeted because of their size the opposite may very well be true – security gaps amongst this group make them more likely to be a target.

Some smaller healthcare organizations try to solve potential PHI vulnerabilities by removing functionality, but in the end, this hurts user experience and your ability to connect with patients at key moments. With the right partner you can have all the functionality you want plus the security you need.

Don’t take chances with your patients’ data or your brand – partner with an agency like Geonetric that takes security seriously. We’ll take that extra monitoring off your I.T. team’s plate and help ensure compliance with regulations. Contact us today to learn more about our security protocols and to see a demo of our VitalSite CMS or Formulate form builder.

Bonus: Security Questions

Now that you understand more about security best practices, here is a helpful list of questions you can download or reference to help you have more valuable conversations with potential partners.

Click to enlarge

Proving the ROI of a Website Redesign or Re-platform

You know a new website and supporting digital marketing initiatives will have a substantial role in driving business for your organization — but whenever budget dollars get involved, the questions can get hard to answer. The best way to get buy-in from stakeholders for your redesign or re-platform is by demonstrating the value you’ll get back.

Although there is tremendous value in improving brand awareness and the consumer experience, having more tangible financial metrics can help gain the approval you need to move forward. Download this white paper and get examples of the types of return on investment (ROI) you can expect when you have the right partner.

You’ll get advice on how to:

  • Take a different approach to investing in digital
  • Deliver ROI on your website investment using different examples, thinking strategically about how web traffic, user engagement, conversions and efficiency translate into value
  • Uncover aspects of a web CMS platform that will help you improve key metrics


Download our White Paper

The State of Digital Marketing in Healthcare in 2021

These are just a few of the insights you’ll learn in the 2021 Digital Healthcare Marketing Trends Survey results. As you navigate digital marketing post-pandemic, the results of this survey will shed light on how COVID-19 impacted everything from digital transformation efforts to telehealth adoption to digital ad spend. Plus, it has all the key staffing, budgeting, and website benchmarking data you’ve come to rely on.

Tips to Improve Underperforming Provider Directories

If your Find-a-doctor functionality isn’t easy to search, engaging and focused on conversions, you are missing a big opportunity. Watch now to learn if your directory is underperforming and how to make changes that will ensure this critical functionality is improving patient acquisition.

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: How to Mitigate & Prevent Hesitation

If so, use these helpful tips to communicate expectations, benefits, and next steps internally while managing your organization’s reputation.

Managing the Mandate

Every state and health system are going to have people that oppose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. When you prepare for the mandate, you’ll position yourself to have constructive and consistent conversations that help reduce protest in your area and raise vaccination rates. During a vaccine mandate, you need to:

  • Use internal communications effectively so everyone knows what to expect
  • Appreciate current efforts and safety measures already in place
  • Manage morale by creating cohesion and avoiding shame
  • Put local faces and stories to the statistics
  • Make vaccines convenient and accessible
  • Anticipate questions and create a safe place for them

Keep the Momentum

You’ve likely been communicating to your internal health care team about COVID-19 vaccinations and know what to address internally during a crisis. Continue making the most of your internal communication platforms to reduce vaccine hesitancy.

Getting internal buy-in is not always an easy task. Your team looks to you for guidance and information that applies to them. During a mandate, your team will want to hear directly from you on:

  • Reasons for the mandate — Educate your team on why the mandate is happening. Emphasize the importance of the vaccine and how it is vital to ending the pandemic and protecting both staff and patients.
  • Employee expectations — Address who is required to have the vaccine and why. Mention dates individuals need to be vaccinated by and what happens if they don’t meet the deadline.
  • Who are the exceptions? — Be transparent about who doesn’t have to get the vaccine and why. Present the process that staff and employees will need to follow to apply for an exception waiver.
  • What is the cost of non-compliance? — What are the implications if an employee does not get the vaccine? Can they continue to work for the organization? Explain what procedures nonvaccinated employees will need to follow.
  • The facts — Ask your managers what common questions or concerns they’re hearing from their team and address them head-on by email or on the intranet.
  • Community messaging — Manage your reputation as a local employer and health system by shaping the message you want to be heard. Share this message with your staff so that they know what to say if someone asks them about the mandate.
  • Next steps — Share what your plan is during the mandate and beyond to help people process the complete picture of your organization’s plan.

Address Current Safety Measures

While a vaccine mandate might be the crucial next step, it’s essential to acknowledge that everyone is doing their best to keep the staff and community safe.

Celebrate the ways they’re helping prevent the spread of the coronavirus, such as:

  • Adjusting visitor guidelines
  • Cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces
  • Getting the vaccine
  • Offering virtual appointments when possible
  • Practicing social distancing
  • Washing hands
  • Wearing masks

In your message about your organization’s current shield against COVID-19, inform people how requiring the vaccination will further your efforts.

Use Stories Instead of Statistics

When factual data isn’t driving change, try sharing your employees’ stories. Conveying emotion through storytelling is often a successful tactic to encourage someone to take action. When people hear how their coworkers have been affected, it hits close to home and humanizes the numbers.

Find employees who are willing to share their stories and help them be heard through your intranet, newsletter, social media, and content marketing hub.

Be the Example

Who are the people within your organization who hold a high level of trust? Who are highly visible or highly respected faces? Identify and use these influencers to help echo the importance of getting your health system’s vaccination rates up.

Train your influencers to be a person of trust and inspiration during the mandate. Take their picture and have them share their reason they chose to get vaccinated.

Create Cohesion

Consider offering an incentive to your team by setting a goal with a deadline. Display a pie chart in a common area or an easily accessible resource, like the intranet, that shows the total number of employees with vaccinations. Let people know if they hit your organizational goal by a specific date, they’ll earn a delicious treat or a small gift.

Like you do during the flu season, set clear expectations around who needs to be vaccinated and who is exempt. This will allow space for empathy and support rather than create peer pressure and division.

Avoid Shame

Retain your staff by providing a safe and convenient place to get vaccinated. Now that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for 16 years of age and older, you may find more people are willing to step up and get vaccinated.

Spread awareness of the FDA approval and encourage people who haven’t yet to get their vaccination. Provide insight on where they can receive the vaccination and who they need to notify once they have it.

Allow Questions

Encourage people to go to their managers or human resource team if they have questions about how the mandate impacts them. When you invite employees to come to you, you’ll help ensure that your staff gets timely and accurate information.