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Leveraging Social Proof on Your Healthcare Website: Best Practices

Your strongest asset when building consumer trust are the patients who walk through your doors every day.

As someone working in the healthcare space, you undoubtedly understand the power of trust when it comes to a patient’s choice of provider. Prospective patients want to know they’re in capable, caring hands — and nothing helps establish that trust like hearing other patients’ positive experiences. 

This is where the concept of social proof comes into play. Whether through patient testimonials, online reviews, local awards, or other marketing collateral, social proof is a powerful tool that can reassure patients on their journey of care and drive conversions for your organization. 

What is social proof — and why does it matter?

Social proof is a psychological term for the way people take cues from the people around them in certain situations.  

When used in marketing, social proof refers to the way consumers look for reviews and recommendations while shopping to help inform their final decision. It’s an incredibly valuable marketing tool, with one 2022 survey finding that a staggering 95% of consumers read online reviews before they make a decision while researching a product or service. 

When trust and reassurance are this essential to bringing in new patients, a well-placed testimonial or glowing online reviews can make all of the difference. 

Social proof for healthcare websites

There are several ways to incorporate social proof into your healthcare website to build trust with potential patients: 

Patient testimonials

Real-life patient stories can be some of the most impactful pieces of content on your website. People searching for care are more likely to trust your organization’s providers when they can read or watch firsthand accounts of others’ positive experiences. 

Testimonials can be gathered via surveys or follow-ups and should focus on specific outcomes or aspects of care (e.g., “The staff made me feel comfortable during my procedure.”).  

Remember to obtain consent in accordance with HIPAA regulations prior to posting any testimonials on your website or social media channels. You could also take a page from Geonetric client Bronson Health, whose Bronson Positivity blog features stories patients and staff members submitted on their own. 

Online reviews and ratings

Positive reviews help build credibility, but even negative reviews, when handled professionally, can show potential patients that your organization takes feedback seriously and is committed to improvement. Make it easy for visitors to find your ratings by embedding them on key pages. 

If you plan on encouraging patients to leave a review following their visit to your facility, be mindful of when and how you do so. A recent survey of consumer reviewing habits found that for healthcare, the sweet spot for requesting a review from patients is three days to one week after care is provided. Send out that request email too soon, and the patient may not have recovered enough from the condition that drove them to your organization to write a testimonial or review. 

Provider profiles and credentials

Highlighting the credentials and experience of your doctors and staff in your provider directory helps establish authority and build confidence in your organization’s expertise. Including patient satisfaction scores, awards, publications they’ve written in, or specific accolades in provider profiles can add a layer of trust and professionalism. 

We worked with Nebraska-based Bryan Health to create a directory that put their providers’ ratings and reviews front and center, alongside introductory videos, showcasing their transparency and helping reassure patients that they’ve made the right choice before they ever schedule an appointment. 

Before-and-after case studies

For certain specialties like plastic surgery, dermatology, or dentistry, before-and-after case studies can provide tangible evidence of successful treatments. Featuring real patient results through photos or videos, when HIPAA-compliant, can reassure prospective patients that your practice delivers results. 

Endorsements and awards 

Another way to build trust with prospective patients is by showcasing any endorsements or certifications your organization has received from local groups or healthcare organizations like the Joint Commission, U.S. News & World Report, Best Places to Work rankings, etc. These validations can strengthen your reputation among patients and offer an added layer of reassurance. 

Whatever you do, stay HIPAA-compliant

In healthcare, any form of patient information — including testimonials — must comply with HIPAA. Ensure that you have explicit consent from patients before using their stories or images, and anonymize details where necessary to protect patient privacy. Have clear guidelines on what constitutes a HIPAA-compliant review, and encourage patients to follow those when leaving reviews online. 

Reviews, ratings, and results

Social proof is an essential part of any successful healthcare website strategy, and can go a long way to help boost conversions by increasing trust and credibility, improving SEO rankings, and decreasing patient anxiety as they research their care options. 

By using patient testimonials, online reviews, provider credentials, and case studies, you can reassure prospective patients that they’re making the right decision in choosing your organization. 

Not sure where to start with your organization’s social proof strategy? Geonetric is here to help through tactics like robust provider directories, user-generated blog content, responding to patient reviews, and more. Contact us today to get started! 

Leveraging Social Proof on Your Healthcare Website: Best Practices