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Scripting Your Healthcare Site for Safety and Compliance

In digital healthcare marketing, maintaining both safety and compliance for your website isn't just important— it's essential. Monitor and manage scripts on your website with the right tools.

In digital healthcare marketing, maintaining both safety and compliance for your website isn’t just important — it’s essential. At the heart of this lies the often-overlooked aspect: script management. This article is crafted to guide healthcare marketing mavens through the tools and techniques required to evaluate scripts on their website and ensure they align with industry safety standards.

Essential Tools for Script Management

Monitoring and managing scripts on your website can be more efficient with the right tools.

We recommend:

  • Google Tag Manager (GTM): A pivotal tool, GTM provides a consolidated platform to deploy, oversee, and modify tracking scripts. It allows an organization to manage most scripts in a single unified space, helping eliminate scattered scripts embedded across multiple webpages or within content systems.
  • Microsoft Excel: Automation is your friend. Using Excel or its alternatives can help in organizing, filtering, and understanding the script data, particularly when integrated with tools.

Identifying Scripts

Once you have the right tools in place, it’s time to identify the scripts on your website. Many organizations are amazed by the volume of scripts running on their site when we provide script assessments, but a few adjustments to your internal governance can go a long way to preventing compliance issues and script bloat in the future.

Identifying the scripts on your site requires a systematic approach:

  • Leverage Browser Developer Tools: For a more granular look, tap into your browser’s built-in developer tools. The ‘Network’ tab offers a real-time view of all scripts triggering upon site load.
  • Inspect Google Tag Manager: Periodic checks in GTM, or similar platforms, are crucial to ensure scripts stay updated and the redundant ones are discarded.

Managing Scripts for Compliance

Once scripts are identified, the next step involves vetting them for safety and compliance:

  • Scrutinize Privacy Policies: Evaluate third-party script privacy policies. Reputable vendors will transparently outline their data handling and privacy practices. Understand the distinction between ‘user’ (your organization) and ‘end-user’ (site visitor) to grasp data collection nuances.
  • Probe Data Collection Mechanisms: Determine the nature of data harvested by each script, emphasizing alignment with HIPAA and other regulations.
  • Secure Business Associate Agreements (BAAs): Any script processing protected health information (PHI) necessitates a BAA, detailing the vendor’s PHI protection responsibilities.
    Consistently Refresh and Eliminate Scripts: An ongoing regimen of script updating ensures a site stays both lean and compliant.

Now that we have a better understanding of the role scripts play in your overall site health, functionality, and compliance, let’s look at a few common issues and how to address them.

Common Scripting Hurdles (And How to Overcome Them)

We get it; while diving into the scripting world, there are often some bumps along the road. These obstacles can sometimes feel like they’re playing a game of hide-and-seek.

We’ve highlighted a few common pain points and solutions to help you overcome them:

  1. Understanding User Privacy Concerns
    With the new HHS guidance making waves, it can feel like you’re navigating a maze when it comes to user privacy concerns. The Fix? Stay informed. Regularly check in with the HHS updates, and perhaps even consider setting up alerts or subscribing to newsletters. Knowledge is power.
  2. Educating Stakeholders on Scripts
    It’s not just about understanding scripts yourself; it’s also about ensuring everyone else in the room is on the same page. The Fix? Host regular training sessions or workshops. Break down the complexities, use relatable examples, and create a shared space where questions are welcomed. When everyone’s clued in, decision-making becomes a breeze.
  3. Reducing Tech Debt & Boosting Site Health
    Over time, outdated scripts can accumulate, causing tech debt and affecting the health of your site. The Fix? Set aside dedicated “clean-up” days. Regularly review and prune unnecessary scripts, keeping your site lean, mean, and in pristine condition.
  4. Taking Ownership of Site Governance
    Managing scripts isn’t a one-time affair; it’s an ongoing commitment. The Fix? Create a governance playbook. Outline responsibilities, set review timelines, and ensure there’s a clear protocol in place for adding or removing scripts.

While these hurdles might seem daunting at first glance, with the right strategies in your toolkit, they’re entirely manageable. Remember, every challenge is just an opportunity in disguise. Embrace it, and watch your site thrive!

The Bottom Line

It’s undeniable— script management is important for any healthcare website, ensuring it’s not only compliant but also trustworthy. Our suite of services, from script assessments to the Geonetric Privacy Filter, ensure you’re never alone in navigating this complex landscape. We’re here to transform potential challenges into formidable strengths.

Scripting Your Healthcare Site for Safety and Compliance