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How to Write a Winning RFP for Healthcare Website Redesign

Download this guide and learn how to design an effective RFP and find the right partner for your organization.

If you have a website redesign, microsite redesign, or content management system (CMS) platform change in your future, chances are you’ll be sending out a request for proposal (RFP). But knowing how to structure an RFP and using it to find the best partner isn’t always easy. This white paper is designed to help your healthcare marketing team develop an effective RFP and select the best partner for your upcoming website redesign.

If your organization is like most hospitals and health systems, you need to redesign your website every three to four years. Sometimes redesign projects are just an update to the look and feel of the site; other times they require an upgrade to another CMS platform.

Either way, finding the right partner for your project is essential for creating a site you, your site visitors and your stakeholders love.

Before you start writing the RFP and contacting potential partners, read this whitepaper to make the process as smooth as possible.

In this white paper, you’ll learn how to:

  • Get started by understanding your web goals, current web presence, stakeholders, and resources available.
  • Write an effective RFP (we even include a sample RFP outline)
  • Create a short-list of RFP agency recipients
  • Evaluate RFP responses and review proposals
  • Set up an on-site presentation
  • Find a partner who delivers value


How to Write a Winning RFP for Healthcare Website Redesign